435 E 2nd Avenue. Owasso, OK 74055 USA
Firefly Light Therapy

The Firefly Light Therapy™ is the latest in multi-spectrum LED Light Therapy for pain, neurological disorders, and pathogen issues. The Firefly device was invented and produced by Bales Photonics, based in southern California.

How Firefly Light therapy works

Firefly Light therapy uses multiple wave lengths of blue, red, and near-infrared light to penetrate the skin. The blue wavelengths affect the surface of the skin. Red penetrates tissue and is absorbed by the blood. Near-infrared penetrates tissue up to 8 inches.

The Firefly uses a powerful wave of light to penetrate skin, tissue, and surrounding nerves to treat soft tissue injuries, reduce pain, promote wound healing, and provide therapy for chronic conditions.

The Firefly Light Therapy™
Personalized Firefly Sessions Available by Appointment Only
Experience the Rejuvenating and Healing Power of Light Therapy!
FreedomLight Therapy Center
435 E 2nd Ave
Owasso, OK 74055

Call/Text: (539) 525-5356

Hours: Staff On-site Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Members have 24/7 Access

©2024 FreedomLight Therapy Center. All rights reserved.